Ein Spross des Winter-Schachtelhalms war auffällig dunkel und zeigte winzige orange Pusteln. Könnte es sich um den Pilz Stamnaria sp. handeln? Bern an der Aare, Wylerholz, 11.12.2022 Herzlichen Dank für einen Hinweis :-)
You have indeed found the rare and localised Stamnaria americana. This species is currently only known from the Swiss Plateau in our country. It would be nice to send the data with FlorApp to enrich the SwissFungi database with your record.
2 Réponses
Hallo Muriel!
You have indeed found the rare and localised Stamnaria americana. This species is currently only known from the Swiss Plateau in our country. It would be nice to send the data with FlorApp to enrich the SwissFungi database with your record.
Salut Nicolas
Ganz herzlichen Dank für die Bestimmung & Infos :-)
Ich habe Stamnaria americana eben über FlorApp gemeldet.
Liebe Grüsse, muriel